15writers.com – Review

15writers.com is an online writting company that claims to provide service for writing purposes. In following we are going to review its website.



So 15writers.com one of very few companies that presents its writers profile, with complete academic and professional info, on website. But still there is no mentioning of institutes, from which 15writers have completed their degrees or for which they have worked. So the info provided doesn’t look authentic.


However 15writers.com provides you with writers profile and testimonials yet fails to provide any kind of academic or profession institute which 15writers could belong to. Thus it is difficult to judge the quality of their service.


15writers.com charge £120 for a simple essay of 1000 words of undergraduate level of 2:2 standard for an urgency of 24 hours. This is the worst pricing we have seen so far as it is too much compared to pricing available in market for similar services.


This company fails to provide its authentic writer’s info, authentic testimonials and any kind of samples. I don’t think so they are worthy of your trust.


15writers.com provide you with a phone number, an email id and social ids such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest and google plus, but no physical address.


Since 15writers don’t provide any kind of sample on their website that could be check for plagiarism so we were unable to review them on this point.


So, a company much higher pricing than the one in market, doesn’t provide much information about the company, has no proper customer support according to current era and cannot be tested for plagiarism is surely no company to trust. Overall Rating: 1/5.

Comments from students


I message the group to ask for simple question, then a girl who join to answer only tell me "Okay," then close the chat window. Will never trust https://15writers.com site like so with unprofessional act to customer or passerby with question.


The quality of the product given by this company is not as reliable as they claimed. The nature of the paper is not matched with the instructions provided by the client. 15writers.com don’t follow the formatting style as told them.


15writers company is unable to provide you with legitimate writing services. They are unable to provide you orders around the clock. The response timing is slow and the writers are unable to reply on time about the questions of customers.

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