Hireanerd.net – Review

Hireanerd.net is an online writting company that provide writing service for different purpose. In following we are our review on this website.



One of the first and foremost thing to look for in writing services is, writer. Writers are soul of any writing company. But Hireanerd company doesn’t present its writers for its customers like many out there.


Hireanerd.net Writers are soul embodiment of their company. Whatever Hireanerd do present companies quality and customer related policy. If a company, like this one, doesn’t present its writers than basically that is a big compromise on quality.


Hireanerd.net company also does not provide any pricing until you provide them your email, which is a glitch for uniformness in pricing.


Though the company provide you with testimonials and their names yet it doesn’t share much info about them. So you cannot contact them to inspect about company.


However they are one of many few companies who provide their address, yet the only other option to contact them is via live chat. For a phone call you have to drop your number and they will call back. There are two drawback here.

1. Why should I provide with my number, what if its not a professional company.

2. What if Hireanerd don’t call back and your number is thrown into a call later list.

Moreover the also don’t provide any details for their social accounts.


Since Hireanerd.net don’t provide any kind of sample on their website that could be check for plagiarism so we were unable to review them on this point.


So, a company with improper pricing method, less information about the company on its own website, has no proper customer support according to current era and cannot be tested for plagiarism is surely no company to trust.

Comments from students


I am writing this https://hireanerd.net review so that others can learn from my mistakes. As a student of Economics, I purchased a short essay from this website. I received, to my horror, an essay that was chock full of grammatical errors and theoretical misconceptions. My nephew who is in high school could have written a better essay.


I should have guessed that the hireanerd.net company would disappoint me when I first spoke to their representative. The person was clearly non-native since he did not understand a word I said. I am guessing someone who was also non-native wrote my paper since it was partly incomprehensible.


A wise decision is to not use this hireanerd. We totally denied the services of the site for you academics. By using these offers you are making your future dark.

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