Dissertationhomework.com – Review

Today if you go looking for any writing service you will find millions in the market. Many of them are good yet many of them fail to provide what they promise. Some of them even fail on ethical criteria for the sake of money. Today we are going to review one such company dissertationhomework.co.uk, in details.



The Dissertationhomework doesn’t give any sort of connection or profile of its writers. The fact of the matter is, that you don't know who will pick your request, it is possible that he is prepared for that sort of composing or not. This puts a great deal of perplexity.


When you don’t share your writer’s profile, your editor’s and proof-reader’s profile, than basically you are shadowing your “not so good” things.


Dissertationhomework.com pricing is too high and the most bizzare part, you can actually order according to the grade you want. That is something totally unethical for academic purpose, where other student are working day and night to get good grades and other student who do not work the whole year and present a good writing at the end of the term, and excel over the good student. I mean it actually imbalances the whole education system. A simple essay of 500 words of Aleves of grade A with 2 days urgency would cost you £141.


Though there are testimonials on website, but there is no link given or any info about the testimonials. So you cannot contact them to inquire about the company.


Dissertationhomework.com provides you with a phone number, an email id, Facebook page, twitter account, google plus id, linkedin, tumbler and an online chat option but Dissertationhomework doesn’t provide you with any kind of physical address. Which is not a preety good example of customer’s support


Since all the content from samples was already online so we weren’t able to check plagiarism for the website.


We rate it 0.5/10. Since the website has fake testimonials, cost too much and isn’t transparent completely.

Comments from students


Dissertationhomework.com company has a number of writers who don’t have enough learning ability that requires done with different challenges. They are not committed to the buyers. Honesty and respect don’t mean any sense for them. The writers don't seem to be experimental and don't have any sensible approach towards information.


Worst service ever! they didn't complete my work on time. http://www.dissertationhomework.com asked me many times to get more time, which I agreed all the time. They even did not finish a draft of my whole dissertation! Also they changed my writer around 5 to 6 times!


The writers are highly mediocre in their writing and use of vocabulary in research. Dissertationhomework do not follow the research ethics and use to copy-paste content for dissertations.

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