Writemyessay.services – Review

Writemyessay.services is an online website that provides writing services for different kind of jobs. Today we will review them on 6 different criteria’s and will check, how much justified Writemyessay services are to their own claims of being best in the services.


The fundamentals for testing any writing administrations begins by testing its writers. In the event that the writers are great and experienced, the organization will be great administration and will provide both quality and amount savvy. In any case, if the author isn't experienced than there is no sureness about the organization's profile either. Same is the issue with this organization. This organization doesn't share any profile or scholarly and proficient information of its writers. Neither does it recognizes their diligent work. So there is no writer’s information on this site and we rate them 0/5 for this.


Writemyessay.services company base its quality of service on two things, that they prepare content out of the scratch and that the work is always plagiarism free. Well I disagree with anything special hidden in these two things. The reason is that in most cases, a detailed data is being provided by the customer and then there are millions of topics on internet which can help you add some research to the writing. So it is not like “writing from the scratch” that much. Then plagiarism free work is something which a student can create these days. Even amateur can write three thousand to six thousand words plagiarism free content.Writemyessay is nothing special in it especially when a writing organization talks about it. We rate them 1/5.


This Writemyessay.services company provide you with a basic pricing calculator, which seems pretty good as it gives you an idea how much it would cost you for different kind of services via this company. For example, a 550 words essay of college level would cost you $64. Coming to the point is the pricing good or not. Well it’s more than average price in the market. You can get similar services for lesser amount in market. We rate them 2/5.


So Writemyessay don’t provide any information regarding their writers and also their claim to best quality isn’t that much trustworthy. Moreover there are no proper testimonials. If you go through the website properly you won’t find any legitimate testimonial. Testimonials given on site are more like quotes with id numbers and ratings. There is no background info about the person who is giving testimonial. These may be true testimonial or may beg host, who knows? But after all this it’s a bit hard to trust them. So we rate them 1/5.


All they provide you for a customer support is a phone number and a live chat option. There are no email ids or social ids, which looks strange, as this is the era of social media. We rate them 2/5 for this.


Writemyessay.services don’t provide any samples on their site that could be checked for plagiarism. And since the testimonials are not that good so we can’t trust either they provide plagiarism free work or not. So we rate them 0/5.


This company is not even above average if you look towards their rating. Their rating according to us is 1/5. Which isn’t even average. So we won’t ask you to trust them blindly or to order their services. However there are other companies in the market with better pricing and better services you can always search for them. After all it is about your hard earned money.

Comments from students


While the prices were okay, the quality of the papers was really bad. I do not think that the writer was even a native English speaker. My paper had a lot of spelling mistakes and silly grammatical errors. I will never use https://writemyessay.services again!


The writers at Writemyessay.services don’t seem to be native English speakers. Even after reading an Writemyessay.services review, I decided to go ahead and check the site out. The paper I received was horribly conceived. Moreover, my paper had a lot of plagiarized content.


They are not pocket-friendly for you. They are tapping you by offering packages but in reality they are not giving any package. If you cancel your order they will never send your money back to you. Writemyessay company is spam please stay away from such companies who don't even touch professionalism.

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