– Review


WRITER: boasts about offering top-notch writing services related to law, supposedly authored by highly qualified lawyers. However, these claims are nothing more than smoke and mirrors, as the company consistently fails to deliver anything resembling quality work. Despite their lofty promises, the reality is far from impressive; their so-called highly qualified staff produce substandard content that is riddled with errors and lacks any semblance of expertise. It's painfully evident that their writers possess little to no understanding of the intricacies of law and regulations, rendering their services utterly useless for anyone seeking accurate and reliable legal writing. The unfortunate truth is that once you've enlisted their help for law-related articles or assignments, you're left with no choice but to accept the dismal results. This garbage content is wholly inadequate for any academic or professional project, leaving clients feeling trapped and betrayed by's false advertising and deceptive practices. It's a stark reminder of the dangers of placing your trust in unscrupulous companies that prioritize profit over integrity and customer satisfaction. In conclusion, customers are urged to steer clear of and seek out reputable alternatives that uphold high standards of quality and professionalism.

QUALITY OF SERVICE: is a prime example of a service provider that fails to deliver on its promises, leaving customers sorely disappointed and disillusioned. Despite their initial efforts to attract clients with their responsiveness and apparent knowledgeability, the company quickly reveals its true colors once a customer is on boarded. Rather than prioritizing customer satisfaction and meeting their needs, neglects the priorities of its clients, delivering subpar work that falls well below acceptable standards. Unfortunately, once you've been ensnared by their deceptive practices, there's little recourse available to address their poor service. Attempting to file a complaint or seek restitution for their betrayal is often an exercise in futility, as the company evades accountability and shirks responsibility for their actions. In light of their abysmal track record, it's no wonder that's quality of service is rated a dismal one out of five stars. Customers are strongly advised to steer clear of this unscrupulous company and seek out more reputable alternatives that prioritize honesty, integrity, and customer satisfaction.


The exorbitant prices set by this company for their subpar services are utterly unjustifiable and completely disproportionate to the quality of service provided. Customers are left feeling cheated and shortchanged, as they shell out hefty sums only to receive dump files that are essentially worthless. Even the purported discounted offers fail to make the services affordable, leaving clients dismayed and disillusioned. Despite offering discount cards and coupon cards on various services, the company's offerings remain grossly overpriced and unworthy of consideration, even if offered for free. Such deceptive marketing tactics only serve to further underscore the company's unethical practices and lack of regard for customer satisfaction. In truth, the exorbitant prices charged by this company are nothing short of highway robbery, and I would not hesitate to accuse them of overpricing. Customers deserve far better than to be exploited in this manner, and it's imperative to seek out more reputable and ethical alternatives that offer fair pricing and quality service. In conclusion, the company's pricing strategy is a clear reflection of its greed and lack of consideration for its customers' well-being, making it an undesirable option for anyone seeking value and reliability.

COMPANY TRUST: has demonstrated a remarkable knack for undermining the confidence and trust of its customers through a series of egregious missteps and failures. Despite making lofty promises, the company consistently falls short of satisfying its customers' requirements, leaving them feeling deceived and disillusioned. The loss of trust extends far beyond just the product itself; it encompasses every facet of the company's operations, including customer support service, communication, and marketing. A comprehensive analysis of the website reveals a disturbing lack of genuine intent and integrity, as evidenced by its failure to uphold basic principles of transparency and accountability. The negative reviews plastered across their website serve as a damning indictment of their incompetence and unreliability. In essence, has squandered the trust and faith of its customers in a single transaction, leaving behind a trail of broken promises and shattered confidence. As such, individuals seeking dissertation assistance are well-advised to steer clear of this unscrupulous company and explore more reputable alternatives that prioritize honesty, reliability, and respect for their needs and concerns.

CUSTOMER SUPPORT:'s purported commitment to round-the-clock availability across multiple communication platforms is nothing short of a facade, masking the company's utter disregard for customer service and satisfaction. Despite their grandiose promises, the reality paints a starkly different picture. Customers seeking assistance are met with a frustrating lack of responsiveness, as their inquiries and concerns languish unanswered for extended periods. Even when a response is eventually forthcoming, it often falls woefully short of addressing the customer's needs or providing adequate information. This cavalier attitude towards customer communication underscores the company's lack of genuine intent to deliver quality service within the promised timeframe. A cursory glance at the reviews from disgruntled customers further underscores the pervasive dissatisfaction with's writing service. Clients express frustration and anger at the subpar quality of work delivered, highlighting numerous flaws and deficiencies that belie the company's claims of competence and proficiency. In essence,'s failure to uphold its promises and meet customer expectations has eroded trust and confidence in its services, leaving a trail of dissatisfied customers in its wake. As such, individuals seeking dissertation assistance are strongly advised to steer clear of this unscrupulous company and explore more reputable alternatives that prioritize customer satisfaction and quality.

CONCLUSION: is emblematic of the deceit and exploitation rampant in the online academic assistance industry. Any notion of professionalism or integrity is swiftly dispelled upon closer inspection of their services. This platform shamelessly peddles false promises and substandard work under the guise of providing affordable dissertation writing solutions. Customers are lured in by the allure of cheap prices, only to be met with disappointment and frustration as they discover the true extent of the company's incompetence and deception.'s modus operandi revolves around feigned competence and proficiency, as they masquerade as a legitimate academic service provider while delivering nothing but shoddy work and broken promises. Their blatant disregard for customer satisfaction and academic standards is nothing short of reprehensible, and they deserve nothing more than the lowest possible rating for their reprehensible conduct. It's imperative for potential clients to exercise caution and vigilance when engaging with platforms like, as falling victim to their fraudulent practices can have serious consequences for one's academic career and overall well-being. In conclusion, epitomizes everything wrong with the online academic assistance industry, and individuals would be wise to steer clear of such unscrupulous entities in favor of more reputable and ethical alternatives.

Comments from students


Absolutely aweful!!! I sent my finished work to have a look at grammatical errors and mistakes. They handed the exact same work back to me with even more grammatical errors!! Firstly we had an agreed time but they had missed that and when I emailed them, I could tell they were rushing to hand me what ever rubbish they could find!! It was 10x worse than what I handed in and they have pocketed my money!!! I handed in my original work anyways as what they sent me was absolute trash! I’ve already wasted my money! Don’t be as stupid as me and waste yours! Do your work and get a friend to have a look for you. service is an absolute disaster, I’m 100% sure all the good reviews are written by them with multiple different account. The work was so bad it was actually quite insulting!!!


There are several grammatical mistakes and too many simple sentences. is a Fraud Company.


Poor grammar and I gave peer-reviewed journals as my resources and the writer referred to those journals as a "book", instead of "research". The writer didn't even know a proper APA citation, SAD.

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