Essays-graduate was a company that provided writing services. However, its site has been blocked by Google due to scamming and deceiving people. We checked reviews of past customers of this company. They have complained that it was a fraud company, which had an inexperienced teacher. They do not follow the instructions of customers.
Regarding the quality of papers, this company image was very poor. It has been reported by past customers that the papers they received contain spelling and grammatical mistakes. Most of the phrases were copied from Wikipedia which is not so authentic source.
The prices of this company were very high. It charged customers around $300 for 10 pages essay. Those high prices make no sense for bad quality.
This was a fake company because its site is now not available. It deceives people that’s why it has been removed from the search engine.
It was very quick and polite but not for assisting customers but for looting them. It has been reported by customers that after placing order no answer was given by the company staff.
Most of the papers were plagiarized. The papers contained many sentences which were copied from Wikipedia.
We never recommend this site for writing services. Because it was a scam and a fake company.