– Review claims to offer online writing services for students struggling with coursework. While it's true that essay, thesis, and dissertation writing are essential components of academic life, the quality of assistance provided by remains dubious. Despite the proliferation of online professional help, it's uncertain whether this company is genuinely dedicated to delivering the best quality service. Many students rely on such services to alleviate the stress associated with academic writing tasks, but there's no guarantee that will meet their expectations. This review aims to shed light on the company's reliability and commitment to providing high-quality assistance to students in need. However, based on preliminary observations, doubts linger regarding the company's ability to deliver on its promises.



The writers play a pivotal role in determining the performance of any writing company, as they are responsible for the core task of producing content. However, the quality and dedication of the writers employed by appear to be a significant concern. With only a total of 18 writers working for the company, it's alarming to note that only a handful of them meet the qualified requirements. Among these writers, there are merely 15 master's degree holders and a paltry 3 PhD holders. This dearth of highly qualified writers raises serious doubts about the company's ability to deliver high-quality writing services. With such a limited pool of expertise, it's highly likely that struggles to provide the level of professionalism and depth of knowledge required to tackle complex academic assignments effectively. The imbalance between the number of writers and their qualifications suggests that the company may prioritize quantity over quality, compromising the standard of work delivered to its clients. As a result, students who rely on this company for academic assistance may find themselves receiving subpar and inadequate support, ultimately impacting their academic performance and future prospects. Overall, the shortage of qualified writers at is a significant red flag that undermines the company's credibility and reliability as a writing service provider.


When considering academic writing services, the primary concern should always be the quality of service offered. However, fails to inspire confidence in this regard. While their essays may be deemed creative and up to standard, it's evident that their style of writing leaves much to be desired. The lackluster writing style employed by the company undermines the overall quality of their work, detracting from the effectiveness and impact of the content delivered to clients. The importance of a compelling and engaging writing style cannot be overstated, especially in academic contexts where clarity and coherence are essential.'s failure to deliver writing that is not only technically proficient but also engaging and persuasive reflects poorly on their professionalism and commitment to excellence. Clients who entrust their academic assignments to this company may find themselves disappointed by the lack of polish and finesse in the finished product. Ultimately, while the services provided may meet basic standards, the subpar writing style employed by detracts significantly from their overall quality and reliability as a writing service provider.


The exorbitant prices set by this company for their lacklustre services are utterly unjustifiable and wholly disproportionate to the quality of service provided. Customers are left feeling cheated and disillusioned, as they shell out hefty sums only to receive subpar results. The discrepancy between the exorbitant fees charged and the abysmal quality of service rendered is a source of frustration and anger among clients, who rightly feel short-changed and betrayed. Moreover, the company's competitors offer superior services at significantly lower prices, making the exorbitant fees charged by this company all the more egregious. It's evident that the company is guilty of grossly overpricing its services, exploiting the trust and goodwill of its customers for financial gain. In essence, the exorbitant prices charged by this company serve as a stark reminder of its greed and lack of regard for customer satisfaction. Rather than entrusting your hard-earned money to a company that prioritizes profit over quality, it's imperative to seek out more reputable and ethical alternatives that offer fair pricing and value for money. In conclusion, the company's pricing strategy is a clear reflection of its avarice and disregard for its customers' well-being, making it an unpalatable option for anyone seeking quality service at a reasonable price.


While may strive to present itself as a trustworthy entity, the reality is far from reassuring. Despite the provision of what appears to be essential details, such as a London-based branch for complaints and refunds, the company's trustworthiness is questionable at best. The claim of being fraud-free, especially for customers based outside the UK, is dubious and should not be taken at face value. The presence of a single branch in London does little to instill confidence, particularly when considering the potential challenges and complications that may arise in seeking recourse for grievances. Moreover, the company's emphasis on physical location as a means of assurance is outdated and fails to address the broader issues of transparency, accountability, and customer satisfaction. Clients who entrust their academic needs to may find themselves in a vulnerable position, with limited avenues for redress in the event of dissatisfaction or dispute. This lack of robust support and protection mechanisms further undermines the company's credibility and reliability, casting doubt on its commitment to upholding ethical standards and fostering genuine trust with its clientele. Overall, the assurances provided by are insufficient to dispel concerns about the company's integrity and accountability, leaving customers exposed to potential risks and uncertainties.


The customer support system touted by may seem comprehensive, with features like Live Chat, phone lines, and emails supposedly enhancing communication. However, the reality is far from satisfactory. Despite the array of communication channels available, the functionality and responsiveness of these features leave much to be desired. Clients attempting to reach out for assistance often find themselves frustrated by the agonizingly slow response times. The Live Chat feature, intended to facilitate real-time interaction, often lags behind, leaving clients waiting indefinitely for assistance. Similarly, the phone lines are frequently busy or go unanswered, further exacerbating the frustration of clients seeking urgent help. Even emails, touted as a reliable means of communication, suffer from delays in response, with clients left waiting for days to receive a reply—if they receive one at all. This chronic lack of responsiveness not only undermines the effectiveness of the customer support system but also erodes trust in the company's ability to address clients' needs promptly and efficiently. In an industry where timely assistance can make or break the client experience,'s woefully inadequate customer support system is a glaring deficiency that significantly detracts from its overall credibility and reliability as a writing service provider.

CONCLUSION: presents itself as a company offering writing services, but the reality is far from promising. While they may boast of average quality services, the overall performance of leaves much to be desired. Despite attempts to project trustworthiness, the company's track record reveals a consistent pattern of poor performance, particularly in terms of customer support and care. Clients who entrust their academic needs to often find themselves grappling with unresponsive and indifferent support staffs who fail to address their concerns adequately. The lack of attention to customer care is evident in the company's failure to provide timely responses to inquiries, resolve issues effectively, or demonstrate genuine empathy towards clients' needs and preferences. This neglectful approach to customer support not only reflects poorly on the company's professionalism but also undermines the trust and confidence of its clientele. In an industry where personalized attention and support are paramount, falls short, leaving clients feeling neglected and dissatisfied. Overall, the company's inability to deliver satisfactory customer care further diminishes its reputation and reliability as a provider of writing services, casting doubt on its ability to meet the needs and expectations of discerning clients.

Comments from students


I am disappointed with the paper I got from the writer and it took too much effort to reach them to fix the mistakes. At least, they didn’t charge me extra for the revision, but it definitely took me some nerves. I would not recommend this writing service to anyone.

Sudhakar is not the company we’d recommend to you if you were looking to get an essay written. Their writing is nowhere near the standard we’re looking for students, and you shouldn’t have to settle for it. Instead, keep reading reviews, and look for a service that can offer high quality, every time.


Beware don't use this Assignmentmaster site. They just take your money give you a $#*!ty paper then never respond to you. I filed a report with my credit card company hopefully I get my money back. Such a scam.

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