– Review

The site is meant to be a helping hand for the students by providing solutions of the assignments, accommodations and mentorship. But this website is a scam and fraud as it is providing low quality services to the customers. They just lack the ability in delivering the perfect content for your assignments.

WRITER: commits to the customers in providing the best services but guess what they lack this proficiency. They surely have a lot of writers and consultants a few of them are worthy of delivering quality instead of quantity. No excellent writing skill is found in the individuals working at


The quality that they provide in the content is not good or according to the market values and standards. Never think of them as the perfect match for the task’s solutions. They are not to be trusted by the customers who are paying them to get an efficient piece of delivery.


The prices are extensively high then what you are getting out of their services. None will be so dumb to pay so high for a poor-quality content that even doesn’t match the standards. They surely make you pay high for just a poor serviced solution of a task. It will not be a false statement if we say that they are setting more prices than what they are delivering.


It is said no trust, no gain. A company’s trust is the foremost thing in it’s standards. If you are planning to get a qualitative essay, then just do not think about hiring this company. It will be better for you if you hire someone else providing the services with quality. We will never recommend this sort of company for the solutions of the tasks.


Literally they do not allow any customer support effectively. As an organization they prefer to give a customer support 24 hours, but when it comes to contacting them, they never ever respond to you in a friendly manner, yet they become rude and filthy.

PLAGIARISM: offers plagiarism free content but when the work came in your hand it is plagiarized with copyright infringements. Nonetheless you then have to accept the work as there is no cashback guarantee.


The company doesn’t have a proper channel of communication, provides a plagiarized content that is totally unacceptable. Not recommended at all.

Comments from students


I have been dealing with for a while now. They write okay papers but you have to pay so much for them. Also, they do not always stick to their policies. I had a paper that I was not satisfied with and they would not give my money back. I have had some other negative experiences with them in the past as well.

Charlie, and its many online affiliate websites including, is the worst experience of my life and Students should avoid it. Shoddy is an underestimation. Please keep off. Don't waste your money!!!!!


Thanksforthehelp is the worst site, the ruined my academic career They copy pasted my essay so I got academic dishonesty record.

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