– Review



Despite claims of having a team of accomplished PhD writers, fails to deliver on the promise of quality academic content. In reality, many of their writers lack the necessary expertise to produce impressive essays, let alone tackle complex academic assignments. Upon closer examination, it becomes evident that a significant portion of their supposed PhD-level writers are actually college students themselves, lacking the experience and knowledge needed to meet the rigorous standards expected at higher academic levels. This revelation calls into question the credibility of and raises serious doubts about their ability to deliver on their clients' expectations. As such, students seeking reliable and competent writing assistance would be wise to look elsewhere for their academic needs, as entrusting their assignments to this company may result in disappointing outcomes and wasted resources.

QUALITY OF SERVICE: falls short of delivering high-quality services to its clients, with numerous reports indicating a lack of originality in their work. Despite claims of producing plagiarism-free content, many of their assignments are found to contain significant instances of copied material, raising serious concerns about the company's commitment to academic integrity. Furthermore, appears to prioritize profit over quality, as evidenced by their tendency to deliver subpar work to students while charging exorbitant fees for their services. Clients frequently encounter errors and improper grammatical structures in the papers they receive, highlighting a glaring lack of attention to detail and professionalism on the part of the company's writers. Given these shortcomings, students would be wise to exercise caution when considering for their academic needs, as the risks of receiving substandard work far outweigh any potential benefits. Instead, they should seek out reputable and reliable writing services that prioritize the delivery of high-quality, original content tailored to their specific requirements.

PRICE: offers writing services at an exorbitant cost of approximately $25.35, a fee that far exceeds what most students can afford, especially considering the lacklustre quality of the content provided. Despite initially luring customers in with seemingly attractive prices, the true cost of their services is only revealed upon booking an order, leaving clients feeling deceived and financially burdened. The company falsely advertises a 50% reduction in prices for their custom services, a claim that fails to materialize in reality, further highlighting their deceptive business practices. Students who entrust with their academic assignments often find themselves paying exorbitant fees for subpar work, resulting in a significant waste of both time and money. With such steep pricing and false promises of discounts, it's evident that prioritizes profit over customer satisfaction, making them an unreliable and unaffordable option for students seeking academic assistance. As such, students would be wise to steer clear of and instead opt for more reputable writing services that offer transparent pricing and deliver quality content at a reasonable cost.

COMPANY TRUST: consistently fails to prioritize building trust with its customers, evident in their inability to dispel the negative reputation they've garnered over time. Despite numerous complaints and negative ratings, has made little effort to address the concerns of its clientele or improve the quality of its services. Instead, the company resorts to underhanded tactics such as fabricating fake testimonials and reviews on their website, all in a desperate attempt to lure unsuspecting customers into utilizing their subpar services. These deceptive practices only serve to further erode trust in, as discerning clients quickly see through the facade of false praise and recognize the company's lack of integrity. By prioritizing deceit over transparency and genuine customer satisfaction, has effectively alienated itself from the very audience it seeks to serve, leaving a trail of disappointed and dissatisfied customers in its wake. As a result, students would be wise to exercise caution when considering for their academic needs, as the company's deceptive practices and lack of trustworthiness make it an unreliable and unscrupulous option for seeking academic assistance.

CUSTOMER SUPPORT: consistently delivers substandard services, failing to meet the expectations of their clients. Their overall performance is lackluster, characterized by a notable inability to provide satisfactory solutions to their customers on a consistent basis. The support they offer to clients is particularly disappointing, as they demonstrate a blatant disregard for rectifying issues and ensuring customer satisfaction. Instead of taking proactive measures to address concerns and improve their services, seems indifferent to the needs and concerns of their clientele. This lack of attentiveness and commitment to customer care reflects poorly on the company's reputation and undermines trust in their ability to deliver quality results. As a result, clients are left feeling frustrated and dissatisfied with the level of support and service they receive from Ultimately, the company's failure to prioritize customer satisfaction and uphold high standards of performance serves as a clear indication of their overall unreliability and lack of professionalism. Clients seeking academic assistance would be wise to steer clear of and explore alternative options that prioritize quality, reliability, and customer-centric service.

PLAGIARISM: fails to deliver on one of the most fundamental aspects of writing: uniqueness. Despite the expectation that their services would provide original and plagiarism-free content, the reality is quite the opposite. Many of the articles and essays produced by do not pass plagiarism tests conducted by their own customers, indicating a significant lack of originality and authenticity in their work. This blatant disregard for producing unique content not only undermines the credibility of but also raises serious ethical concerns about their practices. Clients rely on writing services to deliver original and authentic work that reflects their own ideas and perspectives. However, falls short of this expectation, leaving customers feeling deceived and dissatisfied with the quality of their services. Moreover, the presence of plagiarized content in their deliverables can have serious consequences for students, including academic penalties and reputational damage. By failing to prioritize originality and uniqueness in their writing, demonstrates a fundamental lack of integrity and professionalism. Clients seeking writing services should exercise caution and carefully consider the reputation and track record of providers like before entrusting them with their academic assignments.

CONCLUSION: shares the same characteristics as many other dubious writing sites, rendering it utterly devoid of any value or recommendation for use by students. Venturing into the realm of is akin to stepping into a quagmire of disappointment and frustration. The site's reputation precedes it as a hub of rudeness, scams, and shattered promises. Countless students have fallen victim to its deceptive allure, only to emerge disillusioned and empty-handed. With, there are no guarantees, no assurances of quality, and certainly no semblance of reliability. Instead, there exists a pervasive sense of deceit and betrayal, lurking beneath the surface of each transaction. Engaging with this platform is akin to gambling with one's academic future, with the odds stacked heavily against the hopeful student. In the end, the only certainty that offers is one of disappointment and regret. As such, it is best avoided altogether, lest one find themselves ensnared in its web of deceit and despair. For students seeking reliable and reputable writing services, is unequivocally not the answer.

Comments from students

Kate company is playing with your career. You never get your job if you use their service for your resume because they copied it from different online sites.


The writers of the are foolish. They are not skilled enough to write a good essay on any niche. They are trapping you by using different tactics such as they have professional writers, customer satisfaction, and delivery on time, and affordable for you. But when you meet the reality you’ll not get what was supposed. They are not able to deliver service on time.


Myperfectwords is not maintaining the quality of the product. The CV was full of errors grammatically and the structure of the sentence was poorly written. The response time is very slow. They even see the message and never reply on time.

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