– Review operates primarily as a fraudulent enterprise, deceiving customers with false promises and claims. Despite portraying itself as capable of meeting various academic or professional prerequisites, Paperfellows consistently falls short of delivering satisfactory results. The foundation of the entire company is built upon deception, with little regard for the genuine needs and expectations of its clients. Countless individuals have been misled by Paperfellows' deceptive practices, only to discover that the company is incapable of fulfilling its obligations. This review aims to provide a comprehensive account of the firm's unethical behavior and warn potential customers of the risks associated with engaging its services. From its misleading advertising to its inability to deliver on its commitments, epitomizes the worst aspects of the online service industry. Customers would be wise to exercise caution and avoid falling victim to the deceitful practices of this unscrupulous company.

WRITER: may boast about having native and professional English writers on their website, but the reality paints a different picture. Despite their claims, the quality of the content they produce leaves much to be desired. It's evident that their so-called professional writers don't prioritize quality assurance, as the papers they deliver often contain numerous errors and lack coherence. Instead of meticulously proofreading their work to ensure accuracy and clarity, they seem to rush through the writing process, resulting in sloppy and unpolished papers. Moreover, their failure to organize information in a manner that aligns with the clients' requirements further highlights their lack of professionalism. Clients expect writing services to deliver well-structured and informative content that meets their specific needs, but falls short in this regard. Overall, their inability to deliver on their promises of high-quality writing services raises serious doubts about their credibility and competence. Clients seeking reliable and professional writing assistance would be wise to look elsewhere, as fails to uphold the standards expected of a reputable writing service.


Paperfellow may tout themselves as providers of top-quality writing services on their website, but the reality falls far short of their claims. Despite their assurances, they consistently fail to deliver writings that meet the standards expected by their customers. One of the glaring deficiencies is their lack of familiarity with various writing styles such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. This becomes evident when customers specifically request a particular style for their work, only to receive content formatted in a completely different style. For instance, if a customer asks for their work to be written in APA style, Paperfellow might deliver it in a format that doesn't adhere to APA guidelines at all. Such discrepancies highlight the company's incompetence and lack of attention to detail, ultimately undermining the quality of their services. As a result, customers are left disappointed and dissatisfied, realizing that they haven't received the caliber of work they were promised. Paperfellow's failure to deliver on their quality assurance claims not only reflects poorly on their professionalism but also erodes trust in their ability to fulfill customer expectations.


Regarding price, paper fellow on his website has mentioned that they charge per page $12.99 for a high school quality paper with a deadline of 14 days, and for a Doctoral-level paper with a deadline of 6 hours cost is $48.99 per page. This price is really expensive for average student, especially when he is not assured of its quality. And also, the pricing level provided on its website is not fair, as in reality paper fellow charges $33 for two pages with a premium writer.


This company's lack of trustworthiness stems from its consistent failure to deliver on its promises. Despite their claims of providing high-quality work, the reality is quite the opposite. Customers often receive subpar content that does not meet their expectations or the standards outlined in the company's marketing materials. Furthermore, the company's inability to adhere to deadlines adds to its unreliability. Many customers report experiencing delays in receiving their completed work, causing frustration and inconvenience. Additionally, the company's pricing structure is not as transparent as it purports to be. While they may claim to offer consistent pricing on their website, many customers find that the actual costs fluctuate or are higher than initially advertised. This inconsistency further erodes trust and raises doubts about the company's integrity. Overall, the combination of poor quality, missed deadlines, and fluctuating prices makes this company an unreliable and untrustworthy choice for anyone seeking writing services.


This company's failure to meet deadlines is just one of its many shortcomings. Beyond its inability to deliver work on time, it also falls short in providing legitimate writing services. Customers often receive substandard work that does not meet their expectations or adhere to academic standards. Furthermore, the company's response time is slow, and its customer service leaves much to be desired. Clients report difficulty in reaching company representatives and receiving timely assistance with their concerns or inquiries. Additionally, the lack of communication between writers and customers exacerbates the problem, as clients are unable to provide further instructions or feedback on their projects. This lack of responsiveness and accountability further undermines the company's credibility and raises doubts about its commitment to customer satisfaction. Overall, the combination of missed deadlines, poor-quality work, and inadequate customer support makes this company an unreliable and unsatisfactory choice for anyone in need of writing services.


The site regarding the originality and quality of its work, customer reviews paint a starkly different picture. Dissatisfied clients have voiced their grievances, revealing a pattern of plagiarized content and substandard quality in the papers provided by this site. Far from delivering on its promise of original, researched, and non-plagiarized work, it appears that the site routinely falls short of meeting even the most basic standards of academic integrity. This blatant disregard for ethical writing practices not only undermines the trust and confidence of clients but also reflects poorly on the credibility and reputation of the site itself. Moreover, the poor quality of the content further compounds the issue, leaving clients feeling frustrated and dissatisfied with the services rendered. In light of these revelations, it is evident that the site's claims of providing top-notch academic assistance are nothing more than empty rhetoric, serving to deceive unsuspecting customers into placing their trust in a company that fails to deliver on its promises. As such, prospective clients would be wise to exercise caution and explore alternative options for their academic needs.


It is our nice advice to you not to get in touch with this site for your work. It is a scam as it don’t meet the promises which the company has put on its website. Besides, we do not recommend such unprofessional writers for your academic work.

Comments from students


I made a mistake when ordered from So if you don't want to risk making a mistake when you order via then don't use them. You will not get a chance to remedy your mistake.


I feel mugged off. Students please avoid this site. I would not imagine you going through my experience-waste of your money, time, away.


Paperfellows are a big scam website based in Uk. they took away my $500 and never sent any order. A week later my friend was scammed $1000. Just stay away from them. You will lose more than you can get.

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